The Neutral Zone is the space between the forward and backward points of the ball ( planes). 关于中立区和侵犯中立区,中立区指的是球的前后竖直平面。
Objective To develop a valid mathematic model for the research of the neutral zone ( NZ) in craniovertebral junction. 目的为枕颈部中性区(NZ)的研究建立有效的数学模型。
Objective To establish the developed mandibular neutral zone complete dentures for the finite element analysis of complete dentures and support tissues. 目的构建下颌中性区全口义齿有限元模型,为今后对该义齿的有限元分析奠定基础。
Finite element analysis of stress on lower jaw tissue of the neutral zone method complete denture 中性区排牙法全口义齿对下颌支持组织应力的有限元分析
A digital design system for complete denture that integrated technology and prosthodontical in neutral zone is described in this paper. 为了取代全口义齿传统经验型的手工制作方法,将数字化技术与中性区理论相结合,研发了全口义齿的数字化设计系统。
Effect of neutral zone dentures on EMG of masticatory muscles and biting force 肌等压区排牙法全口义齿对咀嚼肌肌电和咬合力的影响
Study on the establishment of the mandibular neutral zone complete dentures for building finite element models 构建下颌中性区全口义齿有限元模型的研究
Calculation of sliding neutral angle in deformation zone of ring rolling 环件辗扩中变形区滑动中性角的计算
Method The relatively used side between the two neutral zone was found by neutralizing bilateral head torsion angle with prisms. 方法对14例存在两个反方向中间带的先天性冲动性眼球震颤患者,采用三棱镜中和两侧代偿头位扭转角的方法确定两个中间带中起主导作用的中间带后,配戴三棱镜;
Determination of neutral section in deformation zone and working diameter of rolling tube with round pass 圆孔型轧管变形区中性面及轧制半径的确定
· AIM: To observe the stereoacuity before and after operation of Parks shift of neutral zone in children with congenital idiopathic nystagmus. 目的:观察先天性特发性眼球震颤儿童Parks中间带移位术前后的立体视觉。
Treatment of congenital jerky nystagmus with opposite bidirectional neutral zone 存在两个反方向中间带的先天性冲动性眼球震颤的治疗研究
The discrepancies between the positions of the neutral zone and the crest of the alveolar ridge were significant in the canine regions, smaller in the posterior molar regions, and almost none in the premolar regions. 中立区位置与齿槽嵴顶在尖牙区差异较大,在磨牙区差异较小,在前磨牙区基本一致。
Ponderation from the Viewpoint of the Law of War on the Problem of Campaigning in the Neutral Exclusive Economic Zone 中立国专属经济区作为海战区域的战争法思考
The neutral zone is the initial portion of the total range of motion of a spinal motion segment during which spinal motion is produced against minimal internal resistance. 在整个脊柱运动范围中存在着一个中性区域,在这个区域内,脊柱活动时受到的阻力较小。
Result: The angular range of motion and neutral zone during flexion, extension, lateral bending and axial rotation at C1-C2 after replacement with artificial atlanto-odontoid joint were proved no significantly difference as compared with intact spine. 结果:人工寰齿关节置换术后,屈伸、侧屈和旋转运动的中性区以及屈伸和侧屈运动范围较齿状突切除术后明显减小,各运动范围和中性区接近正常状态。
Study of the neutral zone position and the clinical experience of complete denture 中立区位置研究与总义齿临床实践
Motion parameters, including neutral zone, elastic zone and range of motion, were calculated. 计算三维运动参数,相应有中性区、弹性区和运动范围。
The area where the contour forces act on at parallelogram is the spine's boundary region and Neutral zone. 平行四边形的轮廓应力是脊柱力学边缘性区域和缓冲带。
The neutral zone was closer to the crest of the alveolar ridge in the one arch group than in the two arch group; 单颌组中立区较双颌组接近齿槽嵴顶;
Stereoacuity before and after operation of Parks shift of neutral zone in children with congenital nystagmus 儿童先天性眼球震颤行Parks中间带移位术前后的立体视觉
The results show that the new type of proportional direction valve is of good steady state control characteristics and equal displacement characteristics. The linearity of the control curve of the main spool displacement is well. However, there exists a certain neutral position control dead zone. 研究结果表明,新型比例方向阀的稳态特性和等位移特性良好,主阀芯位移控制曲线的线性度也较好,但有一定的中位控制死区。
The relationship between overall thermal sensation and effective temperature of background region, effective temperature of stimulate part, residence time was analyzed qualitatively, and the control range of environmental parameters were suggested for the neutral zone after the hot and cold transitions. 从定性的角度分析了背景区有效温度、刺激部位有效温度以及滞留时间各自与整体热感觉的变化关系,并确定了人体在冷热过渡后处于中性区时的环境参数的调控范围。
And take the rats of bilateral adrenal glands fixed in10% neutral buffered formalin, conventional methods of dehydration, paraffin-embedded sections, HE staining and measure adrenal cortex thickness and the proportion of fascicular zone. 并取各组大鼠双侧肾上腺固定于10%中性福尔马林溶液,常规方法脱水,石蜡包埋切片,HE染色,光学显微镜观察并测量肾上腺皮质厚度及束状带所占的比例。